Stepping Out Blog

What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common childhood-onset behavioural disorder. Although the disorder is mainly associated with children, adults are just as likely to suffer from it.

Those affected have a greatly reduced ability to maintain attention without being distracted, to control what they’re doing or saying (because of impulsivity) and to control the amount of physical activity appropriate to the situation (that is, they’re restless and fidgety).

ADHD is also called attention deficit disorder (ADD) or hyperactivity. The disorder shouldn’t be confused with normal, boisterous childhood behaviour.

The symptoms:

Symptoms include excessively, consistently and involuntarily having difficulty:

  • Remaining seated when required
  • Waiting turn in group situations
  • Following instructions
  • Playing quietly

Other common symptoms include:

  • Shifting from one incomplete activity to another
  • Interrupting others
  • Engaging in physically dangerous activities without considering the consequences

What causes ADHD?

The cause of ADHD has not yet been fully explained. One theory is that it may be due, in part, to an imbalance of neurotransmitters (chemicals that transmit nerves signals in the brain).

Is there a cure?

It is still unclear as to why children develop ADHD, thus it’s difficult to prevent and/or treat. There’s also no simple screening test to identify those people carrying genes that might increase the chances of ADHD.

Although there is no cure, early diagnosis and appropriate help at home can make a big difference. Therapy and counselling have been known to help significantly.

How Stepping Out can help:

Stepping Out have the facilities and staff to care for anybody suffering with ADHD. Our staff are both experienced and qualified to handle such cases. Stepping Out are able to provide home care, helping with daily tasks which an ADHD sufferer may find difficult. ADHD can sometimes be accompanied by other conditions and Stepping Out are aware of, and prepared to deal with instances.
In extreme cases where the sufferer needs full-time support, Stepping Out provide their own 24-hour staffed housing accommodation, which are primarily based in north London and Hertfordshire.