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4 Highly Successful People Diagnosed with Autism


According to the National Autistic Society, Autism – or Autism Spectrum Disorder, “is a lifelong developmental disability that affects how a person communicates with, and relates to, other people. It also affects how they make sense of the world around them. It is a spectrum condition, which means that, while all people with autism share certain difficulties, their condition will affect them in different ways.”

Yet, despite Autism affecting many different people in many different ways, that fact hasn’t stopped those diagnosed with the condition to reach lofty heights in society and even history.

To prove it, here are six highly successful people with Autism.

1. Susan Boyle

World renowned singer and Britain’s Got Talent superstar Susan Boyle confirmed that she was relatively recently diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome – which is a form of Autism.

The Scot has sold millions of chart-topping albums across the globe.

2. Dan Harmon

Mr Harmon is the creator and writer of the hit TV show Community. He also has Asperger’s syndrome.

Whilst he was developing one of the characters for his show, Dan Harmon began researching Asperger’s syndrome and realized that he had extremely similar traits. Dan shares his self-diagnosis of Asperger’s in a revealing interview, stating that: “I started looking up these symptoms, just to know what they are. And the more I looked them up, the more familiar they started to seem. Then I started taking these Internet tests.”

3. Mozart

Even in history, Autistic greats can be found. Mozart, one of the best composers to have ever lived, had Autism.

It has been said that Mozart had repeated facial expressions and was in need of constant motion of his hands and feet. His hearing was also extremely sensitive.

4. Tim Burton

It was actually Tim’s wife, Helena Bonham Carter, diagnosed him Tim Burton with Asperger’s syndrome. While she was researching Asperger’s syndrome for a film she soon realised that many of the symptoms and traits were similar to those carried by her husband.

Tim’s wife commented, saying that, “We were watching a documentary about autism and he said that’s how he felt as a child. Autistic people have application and dedication. You can say something to Tim when he’s working and he doesn’t hear you. But that quality also makes him a fantastic father, he has an amazing sense of humour and imagination. He sees things other people don’t see.”

If you would like to know how Stepping Out can help with young people and adults diagnosed with Autism, visit our autism care page.

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