Stepping Out Blog

What Is Challenging Behaviour?


Challenging behaviour is widely defined as, “Culturally abnormal behaviour of such intensity, frequency or duration that the physical safety of the person or others is placed in serious jeopardy, or behaviour which is likely to seriously limit or deny access to the use of ordinary community facilities”. Anybody can display challenging behaviour. No particular diagnosis has to be made in order for somebody to begin displaying or showing signs of challenging behaviour.

The Symptoms:

Challenging behaviour can be displayed in various forms. Physical abuse, continuous verbal abuse, Aggressive and/or threatening behaviour are all major signs of challenging behaviour. Any action taken by somebody which could cause serious harm or prolonged disruption can be classed as challenging behaviour.

What causes of Challenging Behaviour?

As previously mentioned, no particular condition causes challenging behaviour, thus it can be displayed by anybody with or without a diagnosed condition. However it can be usually found in those with mental health issues, Autistic Spectrum Disorder as well as Dementia and Alzheimer’s.

How Stepping Out can help:

Stepping Out specialise in dealing with all forms of challenging behaviour. Our staff are both vastly experienced and qualified to handle such cases. Stepping Out can visit to provide support and general home care, as well as, in more extreme cases, provide their own 24-hour supported accommodation, helping the sufferer maintain a more safe and healthy lifestyle.

Access to therapy and support groups is given and attendance encouraged. The ultimate goal would be to allow the sufferer to grow as an individual and become an independent person in society, living safely, hygienically and healthily. The housing units are primarily based in North London and Hertfordshire.


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